Energy Specialisms
Oil & Gas
Noise and vibration fill the environment of oil and gas installations and excessive levels of either can have an impact on the reliability and efficiency of the surrounding machinery and be detrimental to a person’s health and safety.
Maintaining satisfactory vibration levels is therefore not only desirable but vital for running a sustainable and viable site.
The quantity, complexity, and interactions of the many vibration sources typically found on an installation immediately provides challenges. Predicting interactions and establishing the root cause of a vibration may be non-trivial. By applying Xi’s extensive range of techniques in measurement and modeling, Xi can shed light and discover the core of issues allowing solution approaches to be designed that minimise the exposure to noise and vibration.
Xi work both at onshore and offshore facilities and, as well as diagnosing and resolving issues, can assist with establishing condition monitoring routines, or resolving challenges identified from existing monitoring routes.
For each project, Xi assess client’s vibration concerns on the specific project’s merits. Utilising any or all of Xi’s core measurement and modeling skills, Xi can be relied upon to provide understanding and resolution.
Xi have the correct tickets to be able to work in high risk environments as guided by clients.

As with all rotating industrial machinery hydro power plants are prone to vibration and as with all power generation, preventing downtime is critical.
Xi Engineering bring their experience of industrial process and rotating machinery and apply it to hydro sites. Whether it is a specialist measurement to diagnose and quantify unusual behaviour or in the specification installation and operation of longer term condition monitoring systems, Xi can apply their capability to quickly and efficiently resolve and prevent issues and costly downtime. Xi’s particular expertise lies in vibration and dynamics.
Extending upon more traditional routine tests Xi can look at anything from; casing vibration, Operational Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis, torsional and shaft vibration, to shaft and axial run-out. To support field measurement Xi can also simulate plant behaviour allowing us to look at internal shaft and blade behaviour as well as wider structural responses that would otherwise be highly costly and potentially impossible to physically test.

Noise and vibration is a fact of life in all complex industrial installations due to the wide variety of dynamic machinery systems that are used. When problems arise they can be very serious and lead to costly plant degradation or structural failure as well as health and safety issues. The integrity and reliability of engineering systems are particularly important for nuclear sites.
Xi Engineering specialise in advanced diagnostic and modelling services to help clients minimise the risk of noise and vibration problems occurring in the first place and to address them when they do arise. The Xi team’s core competency is providing clients, across a wide variety of industries, with solutions to complex and difficult dynamic engineering challenges. This goes well beyond measurement and analysis to provide cost-effective mitigation options using specialist analysis and modelling techniques.
Xi can provide independent assurance of system designs in relation to vibration and seismic survivability risks, as well as helping the suppliers of dynamic systems to address operational problems with equipment in service. This is particularly important to Tier 2 contractors on nuclear sites who have overall responsibility for particular systems or structures that may be subject to excessive dynamic loads. Ownership of the problem will most likely be delegated to the Tier 3 suppliers of sub-systems and suppliers of machinery so there is a collective interest in providing independent assurance at the engineering design stage of projects.

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