Industrial Specialisms
Cleanroom design & machinery isolation
When designing a cleanroom or workshop it is important to consider the equipment which will be housed within the room itself. For example, some equipment such as nanofabrication and high precision lasers will require extremely strict vibration levels to prevent background vibration from affecting the accuracy of the component. Xi have been working with clients across the globe to improve cleanroom and workshop dynamics and isolate sensitive equipment to ensure risk free operation from background vibrations.
When designing a cleanroom or workshop it is important to consider the equipment which will be housed within the room itself. For example, some equipment such as nanofabrication and high precision lasers will require extremely strict vibration levels to prevent background vibration from affecting the accuracy of the component. Xi Engineering have been working with clients across the globe to improve cleanroom and workshop dynamics and isolate sensitive equipment to ensure risk free operation from background vibrations.
When looking at housing the cleanroom, Xi can also complete computational models of the buildings to determine resonant frequencies in the structure and areas of high background vibration. If a retrofit is required, the Xi can use their high precision measurement equipment to evaluate structural dynamics in the workshops and cleanrooms. This information can allow Xi to design isolation for specific machines based off of their vibration requirements.

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