Industrial Specialisms
Pipework vibration can be complex arising from external vibrating equipment, or internal flow induced vibrations.
Vibrating pipework and pipelines quickly increase the risk of fracture or failure. The conditions at which vibrations occur can also vary with dependence on the flow mixture and speed often making solutions difficult to address.
Xi has the ability to combine physical measurement with computer simulation. Measurements often use the latest in contactless optical and laser-based systems allowing measurement in otherwise inaccessible or dangerous locations. Computer simulation allows us to simulate a whole system of pipework and how it interacts with the structure to which it is connected. Combining computation fluid dynamics (CFD) with the simulation allows Xi to predict the varying forces from differing flow states.
In addition to specifying typical solution options such as pipe stiffening and spring supports, Xi is also developing a specialist solution with support from OGIC. The Advanced Particle Damping (APD) solution is designed to target variable and broadband vibration that would otherwise be challenging to resolve.

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