Energy Specialisms

Wind Energy around Eskdalemuir

In Dumfries and Galloway, Southern Scotland, the Eskdalemuir Seismic Array (EKA) plays a crucial role in monitoring vibrations from atomic weapons testing. It’s the only site of its kind in the UK and is vital for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

To safeguard EKA’s sensitivity, a 10 km exclusion zone and a 50 km consultation area around the array prevent wind turbine construction. Wind turbines must adhere to a vibration budget, which considers factors like turbine type and distance from EKA. Building a wind turbine within the consultation zone requires:

  • Measuring existing vibrations at the site before turbine installation.
  • Determining the Seismic Impact Limit (SIL) by measuring an equivalent reference turbine in a similar location.
  • Checking the completed installation to ensure it complies with the set seismic vibration limits.

Throughout this process, Xi Engineering assists with deployment scenarios, mitigation planning, and liaising with stakeholders, including the MoD, the Scottish Government, and the Eskdalemuir working group.

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