Building, Structures & Planning Specialisms
Cleanroom & Isolation
Xi have been working with clients across the globe to improve cleanroom and workshop dynamics and isolate sensitive equipment to ensure risk free operation from background vibrations.
When designing a cleanroom or workshop it is important to consider the equipment which will be housed within the room itself. For example, some equipment such as nanofabrication and high precision lasers will require extremely strict vibration levels to prevent background vibration from affecting the accuracy of the component. Xi have been working with clients across the globe to improve cleanroom and workshop dynamics and isolate sensitive equipment to ensure risk free operation from background vibrations.
When looking at housing the cleanroom, Xi can also complete computational models of the buildings to determine resonant frequencies in the structure and areas of high background vibration. If a retrofit is required, the Xi can use their high precision measurement equipment to evaluate structural dynamics in the workshops and cleanrooms. This information can allow Xi to design isolation for specific machines based on their vibration specifications.

Universities and Laboratories
Universities have often called upon Xi’s expertise to assist in the installation and isolation of sensitive lab and workshop equipment and to assist in research and development projects. Xi offer a wide range of services to both universities and private laboratories, from helping to improve design and layout of laboratories and workshops to aiding in completing more difficult measurements for research and development projects.
As Xi Engineering has a wide arsenal of specialist measurement equipment and expert knowledge we have assisted our research partners across the globe using our expert measurement and analysis techniques.
One of Xi’s more notable projects was assisting Strathclyde University in the isolation of a 1st floor cleanroom for housing the new Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-based Accelerators’ (SCAPA) highly sensitive laser laboratory. The laboratory is located in the John Anderson building at Strathclyde University in the heart of Glasgow. The project involved Xi completing a full vibration measurement campaign and designing suitable isolation for the supporting structure of the cleanroom and the adjoining building services.
Xi have also assisted private industry with setting up their laboratory equipment, ranging from isolating nanofabrication machines to redesigning a microscope laboratory to prevent operational frequency matching from different autonomous machines. Xi also assisted the Advanced Forming Research Facility (AFRC) in redesigning their workshop floor to improve the background vibration levels at sensitive equipment as well as remove vibration pathways to prevent interference between different heavy machinery operating on the workshop floor.
Xi worked alongside Heriot-Watt University and one of our partners in USA to develop a novel damping technique for tonal noise reduction on wind turbines. This involved Xi and Heriot-Watt working together to perform measurement and analysis on different prototypes of the proposed technology and together produced a white paper on the advantages and potential applications of the technology.
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